Paste Fried Chicken


     * 1 small chicken cut into small
     * 1 small garlic into small pieces
     * 1 tea salt sdk
     * 1 stalk lemongrass, white part only.
     * 1 red pepper, seeded
     * 1 red tomato, thinly sliced
     * Cooking oil to taste


     * 8 red chilies
     * 5 red chili pepper
     * 3 cloves garlic
     * Grain pepper to taste
     * 1 1/2 sdk tea fried shrimp paste
     * Salt to taste

How to cook:

     * Balur chicken with salt and white until blended bwang
     * Fry the chicken until golden brown then remove
     * Saute until wilted lemon grass and chili oil with 4 sdk
     * Put the tomatoes and other spices, and cook until fragrant
     * Enter the fried chicken, mix well
     * Remove and serve to family
Paste Fried Chicken Paste Fried Chicken Reviewed by toyota on 04.02 Rating: 5

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