Coffee Mocha Ices - Indonesian Drinks

Coffee Mocha Ices Indonesian Drinks
Coffe Mocha Ices

Ingredients :
- 500 ml of hot water
- 1 tablespoon instant coffee
- 1/2 can of sweetened condensed milk chocolate
- whipping cream to taste
- 50 grams of cooking chocolate, melted
- Topping, Cinnamon powder

How to make :
1. Prepare pour a glass with ice cubes to taste.

2. Brewed coffee with hot water, stir well, add chocolate sweetened condensed milk and stir well.

3. Pour into glasses, decorate with whipping cream and melted cooking chocolate, sprinkle with powdered cinnamon.

4. Serve cold.

Versi Indonesia
Bahan : 
- 500 ml air panas
- 1 sdm kopi instan
- 1/2 kaleng susu kental manis cokelat
- whipping cream secukupnya
- 50 gram cokelat masak, lelehkan
- Taburan kayu manis bubuk

Cara membuat :
1. Siapkan gelas tuangi dengan es batu secukupnya.

2. Seduh kopi dengan air panas, aduk rata, tambahkan susu kental manis cokelat, aduk rata.

3. Tuangkan ke dalam gelas, hias dengan whipping cream dan cokelat masak leleh, taburi kayu manis bubuk.

4. Sajikan dingin.
Coffee Mocha Ices - Indonesian Drinks Coffee Mocha Ices - Indonesian Drinks Reviewed by toyota on 23.42 Rating: 5

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