Sambal fried quail egg

* 25 quail eggs (boiled and peeled)
* 100 grams of shrimp
* 1 tablespoon cooking oil
* 5 cloves of red onion (chopped fine)
* 1 slice Galangal
* 1 bay leaf lbr
* 1 piece Tomato (sliced)
* 300 cc coconut milk
* 50 gr Kapri (clean)
Spices that are:
* 2 cloves garlic
* 2 red chilies
* Salt to taste and a bit of shrimp paste
How to cook:
* Prawns cleaned from the head, skin and tail, set aside.
* Saute the onion and spice paste in hot oil until fragrant.
* Add ginger, bay leaves, tomatoes, stir-fry until wilted.
* Enter the shrimp and quail eggs.
* Add coconut milk and cook, stirring - stirring until the milk thickens.
* Enter the peas and cook briefly.
* Remove and serve for 5 servings (1 serving = 185 calories).
Versi Indonesia....
* 300 cc coconut milk
* 50 gr Kapri (clean)
Spices that are:
* 2 cloves garlic
* 2 red chilies
* Salt to taste and a bit of shrimp paste
How to cook:
* Prawns cleaned from the head, skin and tail, set aside.
* Saute the onion and spice paste in hot oil until fragrant.
* Add ginger, bay leaves, tomatoes, stir-fry until wilted.
* Enter the shrimp and quail eggs.
* Add coconut milk and cook, stirring - stirring until the milk thickens.
* Enter the peas and cook briefly.
* Remove and serve for 5 servings (1 serving = 185 calories).
Versi Indonesia....
Bahan :
- 25 btr Telur puyuh (rebus dan kupas kulitnya)
- 100 gr Udang
- 1 sdm Minyak goreng
- 5 siung Bawang merah (iris halus)
- 1 iris Lengkuas
- 1 lbr Daun salam
- 1 buah Tomat (diiris)
- 300 cc Santan
- 50 gr Kapri (bersihkan)
Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
- 2 siung Bawang putih
- 2 buah Cabe merah
- Garam secukupnya dan sedikit terasi
Cara Memasak :
- Udang dibersihkan dari kepala, kulit dan ekornya, sisihkan.
- Tumis bawang merah dan bumbu yang dihaluskan dengan minyak panas hingga harum.
- Tambahkan lengkuas, daun salam, tomat, tumis hingga layu.
- Masukkan udang dan telur puyuh.
- Tambahkan santan, masak sambil diaduk - aduk hingga santan mengental.
- Masukkan kapri, masak sebentar.
- Angkat dan sajikan untuk 5 porsi (1 porsi = 185 kalori).
Sambal fried quail egg
Reviewed by toyota

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