Obese jerky scented
Has 300 grams of meat in beef, sliced thin
500 ml of coconut water
1 bay leaf
Spice paste:
3 cloves garlic
2 red onions
½ teaspoon coriander
½ teaspoon pepper
20 grams of brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 red onions, roughly mashed
1 tomato, sliced
6 pieces of red chili pepper, crushed coarse
1 lime leaves, thinly sliced
1 stalk lemongrass, white part, thinly sliced
1 piece MAGGI Chicken Block Pain
1 piece honje / kecombrang, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
How to Treat:
1. Boil the sliced meat with coconut milk, bay leaves and spices until tender and the water runs out. Drain.
2. Minced meat slices until slightly flattened.
3. Fry with little oil until browned. Remove and drain.
4. Topping: Stir-fry onion until wilted.
5. Enter the tomatoes and other ingredients and stir until wilted and fragrant.
6. Lift. Pour over meat and serve obese.
1. Before the cut, first clean the meat from the fat layer of clay and coat the meat so tender the meat faster and cleaner.
2. Coconut water gives a sense of legit on beef jerky, if no one can be replaced with plain water.
Nutrition information:
Calories: 161/porsi
Carbohydrates: 6:23 g
Protein: 10 g
Fat: 10:58 g
Fiber: 0:38 g
Versi Indonesia.
Cara Mengolah :
Has 300 grams of meat in beef, sliced thin
500 ml of coconut water
1 bay leaf
Spice paste:
3 cloves garlic
2 red onions
½ teaspoon coriander
½ teaspoon pepper
20 grams of brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 red onions, roughly mashed
1 tomato, sliced
6 pieces of red chili pepper, crushed coarse
1 lime leaves, thinly sliced
1 stalk lemongrass, white part, thinly sliced
1 piece MAGGI Chicken Block Pain
1 piece honje / kecombrang, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
How to Treat:
1. Boil the sliced meat with coconut milk, bay leaves and spices until tender and the water runs out. Drain.
2. Minced meat slices until slightly flattened.
3. Fry with little oil until browned. Remove and drain.
4. Topping: Stir-fry onion until wilted.
5. Enter the tomatoes and other ingredients and stir until wilted and fragrant.
6. Lift. Pour over meat and serve obese.
1. Before the cut, first clean the meat from the fat layer of clay and coat the meat so tender the meat faster and cleaner.
2. Coconut water gives a sense of legit on beef jerky, if no one can be replaced with plain water.
Nutrition information:
Calories: 161/porsi
Carbohydrates: 6:23 g
Protein: 10 g
Fat: 10:58 g
Fiber: 0:38 g
Versi Indonesia.
Bahan-Bahan :
gram daging has dalam sapi, iris
melintang tipis
ml air kelapa
lembar daun salam
siung bawang putih
butir bawang merah
sendok teh ketumbar
sendok teh merica
gram gula merah
sendok teh garam
sendok makan minyak sayur
butir bawang merah, tumbuk kasar
buah tomat, iris kasar
buah cabai rawit merah, memarkan
lembar daun jeruk, iris halus
batang serai, ambil bagian yang
putih, iris halus
buah MAGGI Blok Rasa Ayam
buah honje/kecombrang, iris halus
sendok teh gula pasir
sendok teh garam
Cara Mengolah :
1. Rebus irisan daging dengan air
kelapa, daun salam dan bumbu halus hingga empuk dan air habis. Tiriskan.
2. Memarkan irisan daging hingga agak pipih. 3. Goreng dengan sedikit minyak hingga kecokelatan. Angkat dan tiriskan. 4. Topping : Tumis bawang merah hingga layu. 5. Masukkan tomat dan bahan lainnya lalu aduk hingga layu dan wangi. 6. Angkat. Tuang ke atas daging gepuk dan sajikan. Tips: 1. Sebelum diiris, bersihkan dahulu daging dari lapisan lemak yang liat dan melapisi daging agar daging lebih cepat empuk dan bersih. 2. Air kelapa memberi rasa legit pada dendeng, jika tidak ada bisa diganti dengan air biasa. |
Obese jerky scented
Reviewed by toyota

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