Healthy Rice

2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 leek, sliced ​​thin oblique
1 small red pepper, sliced ​​thin oblique
100 grams of chicken breast, cut into small
2 strands of white mustard, the white part, thinly sliced
50 grams of carrots, sliced ​​small length
6 pieces of young green beans, cut into rough
250 grams of brown rice
2 tablespoons MAGGI Seasoning
½ teaspoon ground pepper
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons roasted cashews
1 sheet of scrambled eggs, chopped fine

How to Treat:
1. Saute garlic, green onion and red pepper until fragrant and tender.
2. Enter the chicken, stirring until stiff.
3. Add cabbage, carrots and green beans, stir until wilted.
4. Add rice, Maggi and other spices, stir until blended.
5. Lift. Serve with a sprinkling of material.

- If the red rice is still milled, mixed with white rice should be about 30% of all rice is cooked.
- Brown rice is best eaten while warm because it is the rice served while hot.

Versi Indonesia.

Bahan-Bahan :
sendok makan minyak sayur
siung bawang putih, cincang halus
batang daun bawang, iris serong tipis
buah cabai merah, iris serong tipis
100  gram daging dada ayam, potong kecil
helai sawi putih, ambil bagian yang putih, iris halus
50  gram wortel, iris panjang kecil
buah buncis muda, potong kasar
250  gram nasi merah
sendok makan MAGGI Seasoning
½  sendok teh merica bubuk
sendok teh garam
2     sendok makan kacang mete panggang
lembar telur dadar, iris halus

Cara Mengolah :

1. Tumis bawang putih, daun bawang dan cabai merah hingga harum dan layu.
2. Masukkan daging ayam, aduk hingga kaku.
3. Tambahkan sawi, wortel dan buncis, aduk hingga layu.
4. Masukkan nasi, Maggi dan bumbu lainnya, aduk hingga rata.
5. Angkat. Sajikan dengan bahan Taburan.

- Jika menanak nasi merah yang masih belum disosoh, sebaiknya campur dengan beras putih sekitar 30% dari seluruh beras yang dimasak.
- Beras merah paling enak disantap selagi hangat karena itu sajikan nasi ini selagi panas.
Healthy Rice Healthy Rice Reviewed by toyota on 23.08 Rating: 5

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