Omelet recipe Noodle / Noodle Recipe Martabak


     * 1 packet of instant noodles (boiled)
     Chicken eggs * 2 eggs (beaten)
     * 1 large red chilies (seeded and thinly sliced ​​round)
     * 2 cloves of red onion (thinly sliced​​)
     * Cooking oil to taste

How to cook:

     * Combine the cooked noodles with beaten eggs, add seasoning noodles and stir well.
     * Saute onion and red pepper until golden, put the noodles into the beaten eggs.
     * Heat oil in a skillet with a fire that is, put beaten egg noodles, smooth.
     * Fry cooked up one side, then reversed to the other side, cooking until done.
     * Remove and serve with sauce.

Versi Indonesia. 

Bahan : 
    * 1 bungkus Mie instan (direbus) 
    * 2 butir Telur ayam (dikocok) 
    * 1 buah Cabe merah besar (buang bijinya, iris bulat tipis) 
    * 2 siung Bawang merah (iris tipis) 
    * Minyak goreng secukupnya 

Cara Memasak : 
    * Campurkan mie rebus dengan kocokan telur, tambahi bumbu mie, aduk rata. 
    * Tumis bawang merah dan cabe merah sampai kekuningan, masukkan ke kocokan telur mie. 
    * Panaskan minyak di wajan dengan api yang sedang, masukkan kocokan telur mie, ratakan. 
    * Goreng matang hingga satu sisi, lalu dibalikkan ke sisi lainnya, goreng hingga matang. 
    * Angkat dan sajikan bersama saus sambal.   

Omelet recipe Noodle / Noodle Recipe Martabak Omelet recipe Noodle / Noodle Recipe Martabak Reviewed by toyota on 18.22 Rating: 5

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