Ketupat Sow Vegetables and Spicy Tofu

5 pieces of diamond
5 ripe fruit leather knew / know Sumedang
100 grams of green beans, thinly sliced
50 grams of bean sprouts
½ coconuts and a half old, peeled, grated
2 pieces of red chili sauce
2 red chilies
2 cloves garlic
½ knuckles kencur
1 teaspoon shrimp paste grilled
½ teaspoon salt

How to Treat:
1. Puree all ingredients, pour in a Tupperware container Modular Bowl.
2. Enter the grated coconut, green beans and the method of stir well.
3. Put the rice cake and tofu in a Tupperware container Serving Platter, give mixed toge.

Versi Indonesia.

Bahan-Bahan :
5   buah ketupat
5   buah tahu kulit matang/tahu sumedang
100  gram kacang panjang, iris tipis
50   gram toge
½   buah kelapa setengah tua, kupas, parut
2   buah cabai rawit merah
2   buah cabai merah
2   siung bawang putih
½   ruas jari kencur
1   sendok teh terasi bakar
½   sendok teh garam

Cara Mengolah :
1. Haluskan semua bumbu, tuang dalam wadah Tupperware Modular Bowl.
2. Masukkan kelapa parut, kacang panjang dan tode, aduk rata.
3. Letakkan ketupat dan tahu dalam wadah Tupperware Serving Platter, beri campuran toge.

Ketupat Sow Vegetables and Spicy Tofu Ketupat Sow Vegetables and Spicy Tofu Reviewed by toyota on 00.24 Rating: 5

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